Bonding With My Mom Through Tetris
I've been playing Tetris for decades, and so has my Mom. The two of us have shared countless matches over the years, and it's lead to some fantastic memories.
As far back as I can remember, Tetris has been a part of my life. I've been playing video games for over 30 years now, and Tetris is one of the few mainstays. Tetris was one of the first games I got my hands on back in the day, and I still pick it up and play often. It's gotten to the point where there's something comforting about the series.
I always know I can pick up any version of Tetris and have a truly enjoyable time. My first introduction to the world of Tetris came through my uncle. He happened to be a big PC gamer, and he had a copy of Tetris he poured numerous hours into. One day during a visit to his house, I got my first look at Tetris.
The rules were simple enough that I could pick up the game and play almost instantaneously. Within minutes, I found it extremely hard to pull myself away from Tetris. When I told my parents about Tetris, I found out my Mom was a big fan as well! While I knew my Mom was into arcade games, I had no idea she was aware of Tetris.
She had already poured countless hours into her own version of Tetris, and was quite eager to see what I could do. Of course, my skills were no match for hers. She had been honing her Tetris craft long before I had ever seen the game! This was the moment which cemented Tetris in my life. Tetris became a playful battle between the two of us.
We were always out to see who could pull off the biggest score, last the longest in Marathon mode, or take the other one out in competitive multiplayer. Hours upon hours have been spent over the years playing Tetris with her.
Photo Credit: © Ubisoft
To tell the truth, hardly a week goes by without the two of us playing a few rounds of Tetris. Now that I'm all grown up with a place of my own, you can bet there's a gaming room where Tetris action remains a constant. My parents visit every week to catch up, and my Mom and I eventually wander into the game room for a round or twenty of Tetris.
All different modes, ranging from the traditional Marathon mode to online play. Sometimes we even team up to take on other family members! All of it remains as fun today as it was so many years ago. Who's the better player between us now? While there's no doubt my Mom was the champion back in the day, I would argue the student has finally managed to surpass the teacher!
She may see it a little differently, which is why we continue to battle to this day. The important thing is that we always have a blast when we're playing Tetris. There's always a new version of Tetris on the horizon, meaning a new challenge just around the corner. I know I'm ready to give it a whirl, and you can bet she is too.
If you want to get a little practice in before facing off against your family, you can click here to play Tetris online right from our website!